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Professional Development Sessions

Custom presentations available upon request!

The NEW 3 Rs: Reflect, Recharge, and Rekindle

Does your staff need to reconnect to what really matters? The NEW 3 Rs encourages educators to reflect on their why, recharge their batteries through self-care, and rekindle their love for teaching.

Extinguish the BURN! Real Talk about Teacher Burnout

Burnout is real! Let's stop pretending everything is fine when the house is on fire. Let Colleen help you extinguish the flames with applicable extinguishing strategies and real talk on what causes teacher burnout. 

Lead to Succeed: How to Keep Healthy, Happy, Professional Workers at your Center

Are you experiencing high turn over in your center? Do you want your staff to rise up and behave like the professionals you know they are? If you are a center director, owner, or leader of an early childcare center...this workshop is for your! Learn strategies on how to retain healthy, happy staff so you can unite as a team and focus on serving kids and families! 

Being an Empathetic Educator

Empathy is different than sympathy. Once we realize we are all on the same team we can being focusing on our real work-the kids! This program gives attendees valuable strategies to be more empathetic with their students, their families, coworkers, and admin.

Dear Principal: 8 Honest Things Your Teachers Wished You Knew About Them

After several years surveying teachers through focus groups, online chats, and face-to-face conversations, I have developed 8 common themes that teachers wished their principals knew. If you are a principal leader wanting to lead authentically while building your staff to be balanced, happy stakeholders, book this session today! 

Building Relationships with ELL and their Families 

This session provides relatable stories from the field and reminds educators the importance and value of building relationships with English Language learners and their families. Attendees will leave with ideas on how to boost their interactions and relationships with their kids and the families they serve today! 

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